Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Back!

It has been a really long time since I have posted anything. Actually, it has been a little over a year. Don't be mistaken, I have still seen plenty of movies, both good and bad. Including an entire Oscar season, which I did not comment on at all.

Well, now I am getting prepared for the start of another awards season! In order to do that, I have decided to leisurely watch all the Best Picture Oscar Winners. My plan was to start with Wings, the 1928 Best Picture Oscar recipient. However, that is not available on DVD. So, I skipped right ahead to Broadway Melody. It was not only the second winner of the prestigious Best Picture Oscar, it was the first musical awarded the honor.

So, my plan is to watch the movies in chronological order. There will be a review on each movie. At the end of a decade (Broadway Melody will be included in the 30s), I will do an overall synopsis of the decade. This will include my favorite from the decade. I am also going to attempt to add a poll for the decade to get some insight.

Stay tuned for the first review of this blog - Broadway Melody of 1928

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